To learn machine learning, we will use the Python programming language in this tutorial. So, in order to use Python for machine learning, we need to install it in our computer system with compatible IDEs (Integrated Development Environment).
Install Anaconda (Python 3.7) on Mac OSX Catalina. First you have to download the installer from anaconda website. I pick a Python 3. 7 Graphical Installer version. After it’s finish. Python 3.7.0a4 - Jan. Download Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer; Python 3.6.4rc1 - Dec. Download Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer; Python 3.7.0a3 - Dec. Download Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer; Python 3.7.0a2 - Oct. Download Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer; Python 3.7.0a1 - Sept. Download Mac OS.
In this topic, we will learn to install Python and an IDE with the help of Anaconda distribution.
Anaconda distribution is a free and open-source platform for Python/R programming languages. It can be easily installed on any OS such as Windows, Linux, and MAC OS. It provides more than 1500 Python/R data science packages which are suitable for developing machine learning and deep learning models.
Anaconda distribution provides installation of Python with various IDE's such as Jupyter Notebook, Spyder, Anaconda prompt, etc. Hence it is a very convenient packaged solution which you can easily download and install in your computer. It will automatically install Python and some basic IDEs and libraries with it.
Below some steps are given to show the downloading and installing process of Anaconda and IDE:
Step-1: Download Anaconda Python:
- To download Anaconda in your system, firstly, open your favorite browser and type Download Anaconda Python, and then click on the first link as given in the below image. Alternatively, you can directly download it by clicking on this link,
- After clicking on the first link, you will reach to download page of Anaconda, as shown in the below image:
- Since, Anaconda is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS, hence, you can download it as per your OS type by clicking on available options shown in below image. It will provide you Python 2.7 and Python 3.7 versions, but the latest version is 3.7, hence we will download Python 3.7 version. After clicking on the download option, it will start downloading on your computer.
Note: In this topic, we are downloading Anaconda for Windows you can choose it as per your OS.
Step- 2: Install Anaconda Python (Python 3.7 version):
Once the downloading process gets completed, go to downloads → double click on the '.exe' file (Anaconda3-2019.03-Windows-x86_64.exe) of Anaconda. It will open a setup window for Anaconda installations as given in below image, then click on Next.
- It will open a License agreement window click on 'I Agree' option and move further.
- In the next window, you will get two options for installations as given in the below image. Select the first option (Just me) and click on Next.
- Now you will get a window for installing location, here, you can leave it as default or change it by browsing a location, and then click on Next. Consider the below image:
- Now select the second option, and click on install.
- Once the installation gets complete, click on Next.
- Now installation is completed, tick the checkbox if you want to learn more about Anaconda and Anaconda cloud. Click on Finish to end the process.
Note: Here, we will use the Spyder IDE to run Python programs.
Step- 3: Open Anaconda Navigator
- After successful installation of Anaconda, use Anaconda navigator to launch a Python IDE such as Spyder and Jupyter Notebook.
- To open Anaconda Navigator, click on window Key and search for Anaconda navigator, and click on it. Consider the below image:
- After opening the navigator, launch the Spyder IDE by clicking on the Launch button given below the Spyder. It will install the Spyder IDE in your system.
Run your Python program in Spyder IDE.
- Open Spyder IDE, it will look like the below image:
- Write your first program, and save it using the .py extension.
- Run the program using the triangle Run button.
- You can check the program's output on console pane at the bottom right side.
Step- 4: Close the Spyder IDE.
Anaconda Python 3.7 Download Mac Download
Whether you’re a big, small or medium enterprise, Anaconda will support your organization. As a free and open-source distribution of Python and R programming language, it’s aim is to easily scale a single user on one laptop to thousands of machines. If you’re looking for a hassle-free data science platform, this is the one for you.
Extensive packages
Anaconda is leading the way for innovative data science platforms for enterprises of all sizes.
Anaconda provides you with more than 1,500 packages in its distribution. In it you will find the Anaconda navigator (a graphical alternative to command line interface), Conda package, virtual environment manager, and GUI. What makes Conda different from other PIP package managers is how package dependencies are managed. PIP installs Python package dependencies, even if they’re in conflict with other packages you’ve already installed. So, for example, a program can suddenly stop working when you’re installing a different package with a different version of the NumPy library. Everything will appear to work but, you data will produce different results because you didn’t install PIP in the same order. This is where Conda comes in. It analyzes your current environment and installations. This includes version limitations, dependencies, and incompatibility. As an open source package, it can be individually installed from the Anaconda repository, Anaconda Cloud or even the conda install command.
You can even create and share custom packages using the conda build command. The developers will then compile and build all the packages in the Anaconda repository, providing binaries for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Basically, you won’t worry about installing anything because Conda knows everything that’s been installed in your computer.
Extend your reach with Anaconda Navigator
The built in graphical user interface or GUI allows you to launch applications while managing Conda packages, environments and channels. This means the GUI will complete the process of installing packages without asking for a command-line command. It even includes these applications by default: JupyterLab & Jupyter Notebook / QtConsole / Spyder / Glueviz / Orange / RStudio / Visual Studio Code.
Where can you run this program?
Download Anaconda Python 3.6 For Windows 10
Anaconda 2019.07 has these system requirements:
- Operating system: Windows 7 or newer, 64-bit macOS 10.10+, or Linux, including Ubuntu, RedHat, CentOS 6+.
- System architecture: Windows- 64-bit x86, 32-bit x86; MacOS- 64-bit x86; Linux- 64-bit x86, 64-bit Power8/Power9.
- 5 GB disk space or more.
Anaconda developers recommends you to install Anaconda for the local user so you won’t need administrator permissions. Or, you can opt to install Anaconda system wide, which does require administrator permissions.
Is there a better alternative?
If you’re looking for simple Python-dedicated environment, then you need PyCharm. Targeted specifically for Python programmers, this integrated development environment is filled with programming tools that can impress both new and experienced developers. It provides all the tools in a centralized system so you can increase your efficiency and effectiveness. Features like code analysis, graphical debugger, and unit tester helps you integrate Python programs with version control systems. In fact, every single output you make will be capable of web development from different web frameworks like Django, web2py, and Flask. It offers automated tools like code refactorings, PEP8 checks, and testing assistance to create your code, but what stands out the most is Smart Assistance. It fixes any of your errors or complete portions of your code. With PyCharm, you can expect a neat and maintainable code.
Our take
Anaconda’s host of innovative options makes it the best data science platform for all enterprises. By offering superior collaboration tools, scalability, and security, you never have to worry about gathering big data again.
Should you download it?
If you have experience with other package management and deployment programs, then make the big switch by downloading Anaconda.